Город доставки Ваших покупок: Не_определен Да Выбрать другой город
Подходит для автомобилей:
Golf MK5 1.4 122 TSI
Golf MK6 1.4 122 /125 TSI
Leon 1.4 122 / 125 TSI
Ibiza 1.4 122/125 TSI
Scirroco 1.4 122/125 1.4 TSI
Audi A1 1122/125 1.4 TSI
Audi A3 122/125 1.4 TSI
Eos 1.4122 TSI
Fabia 1.4 122 TSI
Octavia 1.4 122 TSI
Roomster 1.4 122 TSI
Superb 1.4 122 TSI
Этот актуатор не применим на автомобилях с электронными актуаторами. Пожалуйста проверьте до приобретения.
Designed by Forge to replace the original component this uprated actuator is fully serviceable. It comes with a billet CNC machined aluminium housing with a stainless steel bracket.
This product is built with a predetermined actuator spring suitable for at or slightly above factory boost levels. The actuator can be assembled with a stiffer spring upon request. Please contact us directly concerning this process.
This product is designed and built with the intent of increasing the boost output of a turbocharged system. We cannot guarantee the ability to increase the boost output beyond a level that is within the parameters set by the engine-management-system of the given vehicle at the time of installation, whether that system is factory or aftermarket.
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Вся информация на сайте носит справочный характер и не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.